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Nasty Grape Salt

The Nasty Grape Salt flavor quenches your thirst with a great taste that satisfies your palate so you can eat this grape flavor and feel refreshed, full, and ready


The Nasty Grape Salt flavor quenches your thirst with a great taste that satisfies your taste buds, so you can consume this flavor with grapes to feel refreshed, full, and ready to endure what the rest of the day has in store for you and enjoy distinctive zahara clouds. Features of Nasty Grape Salt Flavor

  • 30ml bottle size
  • 50% propylene glycol
  • 50% pure glycerin
  • 30-50 mg nicotine
  • Available in several flavors including Nasty Mango Saltand Nasty Grape .

Additional information

Weight80 g
Nicotine Level

35mg, 50mg
